• Elon Musk Unmasked: Building an Empire (Part 3) > 자유게시판

Elon Musk Unmasked: Building an Empire (Part 3) > 자유게시판

Elon Musk Unmasked: Building an Empire (Part 3)

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작성자 Nikole
댓글 0건 조회 363회 작성일 24-12-06 16:35


In the third episode, Elon it’s time to get to the companies he’s best known for and the more out-there projects their success has allowed him to pursue. Through 2008 and 2009, Tesla was pursuing a $465 million loan from the US Department of Energy so it could finance the development and manufacture of what ultimately became the Model S. If you listen to Musk today, he’ll tell you very clearly that the loan wasn’t necessary because he hates the perception that his success could be attributed to anything other than his own brilliance. In March 2009, Musk held an event to show off what he claimed was the first Model S - its supposed more affordable Tesla model. On top of that, Tesla isn’t just an automaker. There’s not only a change in timeline, but also an argument Musk has constantly used as a fallback: the delay in the rollout of autonomous driving isn’t so much due to the technology, but the pesky regulators - who, let’s be clear, up until recently have been doing virtually nothing to stop the tech from proliferating.


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